Linear Text

Linear Text

Throughout history, inventions and ideas are improved drastically. Before the digital world everything was hand written. Hand writing took a lot longer than digital text. Digital text is more flexible to erase and re-type or correct our work. Digital text also brought many changes to the world. For example, before computers we had clerks. They filed everything in cabinets but now computers do that job for us. Everything we do involves a computer no matter if we are at school or at work. It's a new technique to ease the work of re-writing.

Computers did not only increase the rate of text but also it provides everyone with information. With just a click we can be learning a whole new topic on the web. We get all types of information primary and secondary, enough to get the work done. Years back, people looked for information in encyclopedias. By having access to a internet we allow ourselves to go into a new world of information. Its made researching a whole lot easier. The Video was mostly about how quick we can write and re-write a sentence in a matters of seconds. The video is demonstrates the different ways to communicate. Video, audio and text are all ways to communicate.

With the new technology in digital text, schools need to advance the old models with new ones. This is a problem in such ways because school are wasting money every year to keep up with technology. The city is in charge of giving all school a budget to spend for school materials. But overall the new technology can increase test scores about 11% more. Schools are being designed to balance out the combination of traditional writing and text all leading to learning. Re-thinking schools

Technology improves all the time. So it's really hard for older generations to get click on to it. With all the new things going on now it became difficult for some people to adapt to it. For example my grandmother wouldn't know how to use a computer without someone's help or even her phone. Even though things became easier with technology its harder to learn how to use the new models. She says is also enjoyable because with the new ways of "chatting" she can be able to see her family no matter where they are at. Of course if they have a computer, and searching up information instead of going out and researching through books is a whole lot easier and get the job done quicker.

In conclusion, there are many outcomes in the new ways of today. Everything has a negative and a positive outcome like the technology. I get use to it and little by little. It becomes easier and Ilearn something new everyday.
© Maria Cruz